Foreign agencies
A distinction must be made between European and non-European agencies.
1. Agencies outside Europe
DGT Circular No. 2012-06 of 26 July 2012
"The exercise of their activity in France by modelling agencies established in a third country (outside the EU and EEA), including on an occasional and temporary basis, remains subject to the obligation to hold a licence.
This remains issued under the same conditions as if they were or were planning to settle in France."
2. European agencies
They can only offer their models in France under certain conditions, and it is up to the customer to check that these have been met:
DGT Circular No. 2012-06 of 26 July 2012
"The European agency must, prior to the provision of the service, make a declaration to the DIRECCTE (French Employment Inspectorate) of the place where the service is to be provided (Article R. 7123-12 of the code du travail (French Employment Code)):
- references to the agency's registration with a professional register in its home country;
- the name or company name and address of the place of business of the modelling agency;
- the full names and home addresses of the agency's directors;
- the designation of the body or bodies to which the modelling agency pays social security contributions for its employed models;
- proof of obtaining a financial guarantee in accordance with Article L. 7123-19 or proof of obtaining an equivalent guarantee in the country of establishment;
- the name or company name and address of the user;
- the places, dates, durations and, where appropriate, the hours of performance of the service;
- where applicable, the individual authorisation for the employment of children mentioned in Article L. 7124-1. “
If the French customer has not checked that these declarations to DIRECCTE have been made before each service, it shall find itself, as well as its advertiser as principal in terms of its financial joint and several responsibility, in a situation of using undeclared work because of its obligation to check and be vigilant.